Friday, December 4, 2015

Holiday Wish List

Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves…and a full peaceful night of good sleep.

Beyond that, what could you possibly wish for this holiday season, Mama? Well, in case your under-slept, overly-taxed mommy brain is drawing a blank, let us make a few recommendations of items to help you as you pump, feed, and mother your way into the new year.

Breast Pump Accessories – You could never have imagined how exciting these accessories are. They will make your daily pumping life easier and happier—and make you a very, merry mama.
o   30 ct. Disposable Nursing Pads
o   20 ct. Pump and Save Bags
o   ct. Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bags to disinfect your breast shields, accessories, breast milk bottles, nipples, pacifiers and more in about 3 minutes.
o   2 oz. Tender Care Lanolin tube
o   24 ct. Quick Clean Wipes proven safe for cleaning of breast pumps and accessories as well as high chairs, tables, cribs and counter tops.

Baby Scale – Admittedly, the Baby Weigh II Scale is one of those things that you had no idea you would ever need until you knew it existed. Ahem…you’re welcome. The technology of this sensitive scale actually allows you to confirm your baby’s milk ingestion and digestion, which makes one less thing for a worrisome mama to worry about.

Pumping and Nursing Undergarments—Not super sexy, but oh so super convenient, these garments are pumping game-changers. 
Resources for the Nursing/Pumpers—For those of you balancing bottle-feeding with breastfeeding, we found these two items helpful.
  •  The Calma Bottles from Medela were designed specifically with you in mind. Created from “evidence-based research on babies’ natural feeding behavior,” we like both the shape and suction of these innovative bottles.
  • Balancing Breast & Bottle: Reaching Your Breastfeeding Goals by Amy Peterson, (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)) and Mindy Harmer (Speech Language Pathologist) was written in the absence of plentiful authority as the “definitive guide” for those of us trying to achieve this delicate balance.
Additional Books – For valuable information, insight, and the occasional commiserating burst of laughter, we simply like these two books.
Just Because Extravagances – You’ve been working so hard—nursing and pumping—to give your little one everything he or she needs to grow strong and healthy. It’s okay to ask for everything you want too. Beyond the many conveniences cited above, here are some of the extravagances completing our wish lists.
  • A manicure/pedicure because we need a little pampering.
  • A new matching set of underwear that is non-nursing, preferably lacy, and totally impractical because we need to remember and honor our beautifully empowered and PM (pre-mama) selves.
  •  Babysitting coupons from our in-laws because everyone wants to feel useful!
  • A trip to Bora Bora (in ten years). But let’s get it in the calendar anyhow.
Happy Holidays all you mamas. You deserve it tenfold this year! So go ahead and wish, wish, wish (and then ask, ask, ask) away.

*This blog is informed by our resident moms-in-the-know and not by medical professionals. This blog is intended to share the wisdom of experienced moms but never to replace the advice and insight of your doctors. Always consult proper and licensed medical professionals when making any decisions about your health and the health of your children. 

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