Thursday, December 31, 2015

Forget Resolutions

If you’ve ever made a New Year’s Resolution, you’ve undoubtedly broken it as well. While we don’t think there’s anything wrong with setting positive goals for personal growth, we don’t like how these benign little bits can get the better of our self-esteem. For when we sit down to assess the ways we could improve our lives, we also open ourselves up to severe self-criticism.

The salve for these unnecessary floggings is often a lofty and completely unrealistic “resolution.”

I’m going to exercise. Every day. To lose every pound of baby fat and look better than I did when I was 22 and…was…practically a model.


I will get a handle on my stress. I will not get upset or anxious ever again about the stuff I can’t control like my child’s sleep and how much she’s eating so that my daughter can become well-adjusted and self-assured and not a headcase like me.


I’m going to save every penny this next year and never buy another magazine in the check-out aisle or a coffee or any new clothes and never get a manicure again because my son needs a huge education fund. Immediately.

Any of that sound familiar?

Probably. Definitely? Uh huh!

So we say, don’t knock yourself down under the guise of self-improvement. You are a new mom. You are nursing and pumping and doing everything in your power to help your precious little one grow. This year you need to put your self-critic on pause, refrain from resolving, and practice staying present and positive in all that you do. 

An acclamation is a loud shout or other demonstration of welcome, goodwill, or approval.[1] So go ahead and do it this New Year. Shout your praises in the shower, out on your jog, as you drive in the car—wherever and whenever you need it.

Here are a few acclamations we’ve been known to shout when we need a boost (especially to keep on pumping):
  • I got this mom thing!
  • I love you, pump!
  • Pumping’s tough. So am I!
  • I’m a mom. I’m amazing!
  • I pump. I rock!

Rock on, Mama. Happy Acclaiming and a very Happy New Year.


*This blog is informed by our resident moms-in-the-know and not by medical professionals. This blog is intended to share the wisdom of experienced moms but never to replace the advice and insight of your doctors. Always consult proper and licensed medical professionals when making any decisions about your health and the health of your children. 

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