Thursday, January 28, 2016

Pumping At the Airport

You’re headed on vacation to escape the winter blahs. Yes! That might mean you’re headed to the airport. And while not quite as dramatic as some of the stories shared in our last post, breast pumping in an airport is definitely awkward.

Over the past years, many airports have improved the conditions for breast pumping mamas by defining specific mother’s lounges. However, these conditions vary drastically by city.

Here are a few tips to make your airport breast pumping experience as manageable and pleasant as possible.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

You Pumped Where?

Country star, Carrie Underwood, knows a thing or two about pumping. In an interview last fall she simply said, “You learn that awkwardness is part of being a mom.” Nonchalantly, she shared a few stories of how she survived as a new mom, despite her touring responsibilities and the normal desire to—you know, leave the house once in a while.

“I’ve literally turned my chair around into a corner over on like a side room [at a restaurant] and pumped there,” she shared. “I pumped at a concert once, I was attending somebody else’s concert. Awkwardness is just a part of being a mom.”[1]

While most of us aren’t bothered by the likes of paparazzi, constant crowd recognition, or the other discomfitures of celebrity—as a pumping mama, we all know a lot about awkward moments.

Here are a few of the most awkward and dramatic pumping stories we’ve heard recently from our friends and readers.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Salmon is Delicious and Nutritious for Breast Feeding Mamas

Fish, in general, is a fabulous food source. Many fish varieties are high-quality protein measuring low in saturated fat and rich in omega-3 fatty acids. [1] Wild salmon is always at the top of the list of foods rich in Omega-3.

Omega-3s are considered essential fatty acids crucial for human health. However, the human body is incapable of producing this nutritive gold and we must get it from our food sources. [2] Research suggests that nursing and breastpumping mothers need two servings weekly in order to consume the appropriate amount of Omega-3 to promote their baby’s healthy brain development. [3]

Here are a few recipes to help you incorporate salmon into your diet as a part of the suggested weekly servings.  

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Packing for a Winter Get Away?

You deserve a vacation!

You have earned the right to sit on a Caribbean beach in the deliciously warm sun and just be. You merit every second at an amazing spa with a butler and a personal masseur and a private (5 star) chef. You should be on a yacht headed for the Riviera with the rest of this world’s most beautiful people.

Okay, maybe we overshot that one a bit. But a girl can dream, can’t she?! At the very least, you deserve a vacation. You’re a breast-pumping mama, after all.

After you book this most deserved vacation, it’s time to consider packing. So you have one less thing for your concern and coordination, we offer you a list of items you will need as a sun-bathing, spa-going, yachting-lounging, breast-pumping vacationer. 

Friday, January 15, 2016

Storing, Preserving and Using Breast Milk

  • It is safe to store breast milk in either plastic or glass bottles, with sealable tops, or in sterile sealable bags. If you prefer plastic look to ensure they are BPA free.
  • In order to prevent any waste, store breast milk in amounts equal to your baby’s feedings. If your baby east 4 ounces at a time, store 4 ounces per container.

Storage Location
  • In order to be saved, breast milk must be stored in a cool place – a cooler or refrigerator for short durations or a freezer for longer periods of time. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Carrots are an Awesome Feeding Food

Much like super food spinach, carrots are rich in Vitamin A, which promotes lactation and increases the quality of your breast milk. In fact, one cup of 8 oz. carrot juice provides 686% of your body’s Vitamin A requirements.[1] As with all elements of your diet, it’s best to eat everything in balance and moderation. Carrots are no exception.

Here are a few recipes to help you incorporate carrots into your balanced diet and improve your lactation for breast pumping:

Friday, January 8, 2016

2016 Changes to the Affordable Care Act

Although insurance talk isn’t exactly engrossing to most of us, it sure ain’t cheap. In other words, it’s important to be familiar with the Affordable Care Act legislation and the evolution of its impact on you—yes you—the new mother.

Under this landmark legislation women are granted progressive benefits with regard to maternity and postnatal care and supplies. Specifically, breastfeeding care and support are considered.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Affordable Care Act Recap

In case you missed it, it’s now 2016. Six years ago, in 2010, President Obama enacted the Affordable Care Act.

And if, by chance, you’re still not sure what that means and how this legislation impacts your life as a new mother here’s a recap of the items specifically affecting maternity care and breastfeeding.

The Affordable Care Act provides unique coverage allowances to women in the form of prenatal, delivery, and preventative child illness considerations.[1]

Under this canopy breastfeeding gets commensurate attention as the practice has been documented as a highly effective preventative measure for child development and overall health.[2]