Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hygeia’s Q Model Breast Pump

You’re expecting a baby. Hoorah! And a breast pump is now covered by most insurance policies. Yahoo!

But which one should you choose?

The last thing you have time or patience for right now is an exhaustive search into customer reviews of popular breast pumps.  So we’re compiling them for you.

Breast Pumping Etiquette

Let us first say—we know this might be a touchy subject; but it’s also one that moms want to discuss. Because breast pumping can be difficult—physically, emotionally, and mentally—and it’s a challenge further compounded by time restrictions due to busy family schedules, work commitments, and the normal desire for us moms to get out of the house and return to social and community life. So even though most of us moms would prefer to pump in the quiet sanctity of our homes—at times we simply need to breast pump in public.

So what etiquette should be considered?

Etiquette is the set of commonly accepted rules of conduct for a specific community.  It’s the balance between attending to your needs while acting with consideration for the needs of those around you.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Freemie Freedom Hands Free Breast Pump User Reviews

You’re expecting a baby. Hoorah! And a breast pump is now covered by most insurance policies. Yahoo!

But which one should you choose?

The last thing you have time or patience for right now is an exhaustive search into customer reviews of popular breast pumps.  So we’re compiling them for you.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What Is An Ideal Pumping Schedule?

An ideal pumping schedule is the one that works best for you and helps you meet your breastfeeding goals. Maybe you’re an exclusive pumper mama, expressing all your milk via this method. Maybe you’re pumping so you can establish a supply of breast milk for your child while you’re away or at work. Maybe you’re pumping to ease the burden and fatigue of nighttime feeds or to share the bonding experience with your partner. Depending on your goals, your schedule will vary.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Spectra User Reviews

You’re expecting a baby. Hoorah! And a breast pump is now covered by most insurance policies. Yahoo!

But which one should you choose?

The last thing you have time or patience for right now is an exhaustive search into customer reviews of popular breast pumps. So we’re compiling them for you.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What Should You Know About Breast Pump Accessories?

When you first start researching breast pumps it might seem that the amount of information is overwhelming and any mention of accessories is moot.  And while you might not care at the outset about breast pump accessories, supporting products, or product accessibility, this information will eventually become relevant.


Breast pumping is a different for every woman and the challenges you might face and the support you require will be individual. Because of that, as you choose your breast pump, it’s at least important to know that accessories are available that might ease your breast pumping experience down the road.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Ameda User Reviews

You’re expecting a baby. Hoorah! And a breast pump is now covered by most insurance policies. Yahoo!

But which one should you choose?

The last thing you have time or patience for right now is an exhaustive search into customer reviews of popular breast pumps.  So we’re compiling them for you.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

How Do I Know I’m Using the Correct Flange Size?

First of all – what’s a flange?

The flange is the part of your pump that fits on your breast around your nipple. In most traditional pumps, the flange resembles a funnel.

Second – what is being measured to determine a good fit?

The size of a flange is determined by the width of its opening. The size of your flange will depend on both the size of your breasts and more importantly, the size of your nipples. It is not uncommon for a woman’s two breasts (and nipples) to vary slightly in size and therefore vary slightly in best flange size.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Medela User Reviews

You’re expecting a baby. Hoorah! And a breast pump is now covered by most insurance policies. Yahoo!

But which one should you choose?

The last thing you have time or patience for right now is an exhaustive search into customer reviews of popular breast pumps.  So we’re compiling them for you.