Friday, April 22, 2016

Find Your Breast Pumping Groove: A Review of Inspirational Posts

We’ve been there. We’ve done this. We know that breast pumping—whether exclusively or supplementally—is hard work.

On Facebook we seek to support and inspire you, now and again, with quick tips and supportive words.

In case you’ve missed them, here’s a handful of inspirations from last year to help you “Find Your Breast Pumping Groove.”

Find your pumping groove! At first, new mama, pumping might feel like another obligation among a million but eventually it will free you up and ensure a supply of breast milk for your baby.
Find your pumping groove! Ask for help and wisdom. Here. Online. In chat groups. From "mom friends" near home and "mom strangers" in the grocery store. Anyone who has done it will be happy to help you find your groove.

Find your pumping groove! Don’t think of pumping as another chore. Turn on some music, close your eyes, and redefine pumping as your sacred alone time.

Find your pumping groove! It's a part of your day. No big deal. Like brushing your teeth and walking the dog and being a wonderfully, fabulous mom.

Find your breast pumping groove! This dedicated time is also a great excuse to catch up on your favorite guilty pleasure. (Real Housewives anyone?)

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