In our continuing
series, Hydration Fixation, we’re addressing the issues we’ve been asked by all
you pumping mamas about staying hydrated.
Staying hydrated is a
seemingly simple, yet absolutely crucial, piece of your personal well-being. In
the first post of this series, How Much Water Do I Really Need As a Breast-pumping Mom?, we determined that the general rule is to drink enough
water to meet the needs of your thirst (approximately eight 8 oz. glasses of
water, depending of factors of weight and overall health).
Which brings us to
the second post of this series in which we’re suggesting the best tips we know
to help you easily meet your daily hydration goal.
- Always carry a water bottle with you. Always. Wherever you go.
- Carrying a water bottle doesn’t help if you don’t drink the water in this bottle. Start by removing the bottle from your bag as soon as you arrive at your destination. If it’s in front of you on your desk or in the shopping cart, you’re more likely to remember to actually drink the water.
- Water bottles come in sizes ranging from 8 oz. to 64 oz. Select bottles that will fit in your car's cup holder, your purse, your briefcase and your bike or treadmill.
- Keep a case of bottled water in the trunk of your car. Each time you get in the car grab one bottle. Commit to drinking it on your drive.
- Start each day with a warm cup of water with lemon juice from half a lemon. Not only is this simple remedy great for awakening your digestive system, it’s a clean and cozy way to wake up to winter.
- Consume foods that have high water content, such as watermelon, fruits, vegetables, soup, popsicles and water flavored with fruit.
- Infuse a carafe of water in your fridge with something fun like lemon, orange or cucumber. Make this your special lunch or dinner beverage.
- Drink from a straw. You just drink more this way.
- Pay attention to your thirst. If you can’t remember to stop every once in a while and do this, then set a daily alarm on your phone. Alternately, we know, there MUST be an app for this!
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