Thursday, August 27, 2015

How Can I Get Comfy with My Breast Pump Before I Actually Have to Use It?

We know we need a breastpump. We know it will become a handy tool in our daily lives providing relief when we’re engorged and the benefit of stockpiling milk supply when we’re able. This breast pump will become our new best friend. And we’ll just figure out exactly how to use it when we need it. Later. Much later. Right?

Wait and see. That’s one approach. Receive your breast pump, neatly stack the unopened box among
the dozens of other unopened, unlearned, promise-to-make-your-mommy-life-so-much-better items.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

An Overview of the Changes to Maternity Care and Breastfeeding Under the Affordable Care Act

In 2010, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law. The goal of this legislation is to make health care more affordable, accessible and better. But the legislation is long and complicated.

Few of us—certainly not the ever multi-tasking women, anxiously expectant mothers, or the expertly juggling mamas among us—have time to sift through the details and understand the how the changes within the Affordable Care Act actually impact your life and your dollars.